Amidst the snowy landscape, the shimaenaga, known as the 'snow fairy,' can be found subtly hiding. This tiny, adorable bird is unique to Hokkaido, Japan; with some luck, you might encounter it in the city or the forest. Not only is it perfect for everyday use, but the striking contrast of red berries against gray makes it an excellent choice for tapestry or as a wrapping cloth.
Our Tenugui towel are dyed by hand by craftsmen using a dyeing technique called CHUSEN.
Item No : 06153288
Size for USA : Approximately 13 inch. wide and 35 inch. long
Size for World : Approximately 33cm. wide and 90cm. long
Material : 100% Cotton
Made in Japan
- Colors: Images 1 and 2 are closer in color to the actual product.
- Colors of the actual product may vary depending on the settings on your screen
- Slight differences in color are inherent to the nature of the raw materials and dyeing technique used to make the tenugui
- The odor of the dyes sometimes remains, but it will get more faint as you use the product. For more information, please check here.
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